
Keeping Your Teeth White Between Dental Visits

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Keeping Your Teeth White Between Dental Visits

Taking care of your teeth might seem mundane, but without enough attention, those pearly whites of yours can easily turn tinged and stained. Sure, having your teeth cleaned every few months at your dentist's office is a great start to maintaining a beautiful smile, but it isn't enough to keep each tooth pearly white on an ongoing basis. Now, don't get me wrong – you don't have to spend an arm and a leg on professional maintenance in order to get the results you want. You can use a variety of methods at home, like creating your own whitening mouthwash, that can help to keep you teeth white between dentist visits. Hopefully, the tips and techniques offered on this blog is enough to get you the results that you're after.

5 Steps To Treat A Dislodged Tooth

If your tooth has been knocked out, you need emergency dental care. However, if you don't take precautionary steps to protect the dislodged tooth, your dentist may not be able to put the tooth back in place. Here are a few steps to take immediately after a tooth has been dislodged:

Retrieve the Tooth

Your tooth may be salvageable, so if it has been knocked from your mouth, retrieve it. Be sure not to handle the root of the tooth as you pick it up. The root can be easily damaged.

Rinse the Tooth

If your tooth has fallen onto the ground, it may be covered by debris and dirt. Rinse the tooth gently with water. However, do not scrub it, dry it or wrap it up. In addition, don't clean the tooth with soap or toothpaste; it is best to disturb the root of the tooth as little as possible. 

Put it in the Socket

The best place for a dislodged tooth is in its socket. If you can reinsert the tooth, position it back in place. However, if you cannot hold the tooth in the socket, simply place it in the pocket of your jaw next to your gums.

Don't Let it Dry Out

If you cannot place your tooth back in your mouth, use a tooth preservation kit or put the tooth in a cup of milk. It is important not to allow the tooth or the tissue attached to it to dry out. However, don't store the tooth in tap water. Prolonged exposure to the chemicals within the water can harm the root.

Get to a Dentist

Your tooth will need emergency care. If your tooth remains out of its socket for too long, it may not be viable. The dentist will reposition the tooth and stabilize for a couple of weeks. The dental "splint" will use the adjacent teeth to help your reinserted tooth stay in place. In addition, if your tooth is not a primary tooth, it may require a root canal.

If you have a dislodged tooth, be sure to protect it by handling it gently and keeping it moist. However, do not simply put the tooth back in place and forgo dental treatment. Once your tooth has been knocked out, every moment counts. Promptly go to an emergency dentist for treatment. Your tooth needs to be reinserted and stabilized by a dentist. He or she can evaluate the health of your tooth and take necessary measures to help you keep it. 

For more information, contact Hernandez Dental or a similar location.