
Keeping Your Teeth White Between Dental Visits

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Keeping Your Teeth White Between Dental Visits

Taking care of your teeth might seem mundane, but without enough attention, those pearly whites of yours can easily turn tinged and stained. Sure, having your teeth cleaned every few months at your dentist's office is a great start to maintaining a beautiful smile, but it isn't enough to keep each tooth pearly white on an ongoing basis. Now, don't get me wrong – you don't have to spend an arm and a leg on professional maintenance in order to get the results you want. You can use a variety of methods at home, like creating your own whitening mouthwash, that can help to keep you teeth white between dentist visits. Hopefully, the tips and techniques offered on this blog is enough to get you the results that you're after.

Fluoride And Is Role In Pediatric Dental Health

For years, parents have been aware of fluoride and that it may be helpful to children's teeth. Yet, you may still have your questions and concerns about fluoride. For example, why is it important in pediatric dentistry, and how can you know that your child is getting the right amounts of fluoride? Is fluoride really necessary? Here are a few answers to some of your questions, so that you can better understand the role of fluoride in pediatric dental health:

What is Fluoride?

First of all, fluoride is a chemical compound made up of the element called fluorine. It is widely employed to help cut down on tooth decay and the prevalence of cavities. Therefore, many bottled drinking water companies supplement their water with fluoride. It is also a common ingredient in many toothpastes and mouth rinses. General dentistry professionals recommend fluoride for children because it helps to strengthen tooth enamel and fight against bacterial acid in the mouth. This means that kids are less prone to developing oral health issues, such as cavities and tartar build-up.

Check with Your Child's Dentist

That is not to say that fluoride alone is going to prevent cavities. Practicing good oral health habits, such as brushing and flossing regularly, is crucial. Even so, ensuring that your child gets the appropriate amount of fluoride will play a key role in maintaining a healthy, happy mouth. Consult with your child's pediatric dentist for his or her advice concerning the amount of fluoride your child needs. Based on the state of your child's teeth and the fluoride content in the area in which you live, your child's dentist may prescribe supplemental fluoride through rinses or gels

Fluoride Treatments May Be Applied

Besides using a toothpaste with fluoride and the ADA (American Dental Association) seal, your pediatric dentist may suggest that your child receive a topical fluoride treatment. The fluoride applied during the treatment resembles a sort of gel that can be applied directly to your child's teeth. Nowadays, topical fluoride comes in many different flavors and can be applied by a dental hygienist. It is common practice for children to receive this topical fluoride during their routine dental appointments.

Be sure to speak with your local pediatric dental professional to learn more about fluoride and its impact on your child's teeth. The pediatric dentist will be able to evaluate your child's oral health needs and prescribe suitable supplementation if needed.