
Keeping Your Teeth White Between Dental Visits

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Keeping Your Teeth White Between Dental Visits

Taking care of your teeth might seem mundane, but without enough attention, those pearly whites of yours can easily turn tinged and stained. Sure, having your teeth cleaned every few months at your dentist's office is a great start to maintaining a beautiful smile, but it isn't enough to keep each tooth pearly white on an ongoing basis. Now, don't get me wrong – you don't have to spend an arm and a leg on professional maintenance in order to get the results you want. You can use a variety of methods at home, like creating your own whitening mouthwash, that can help to keep you teeth white between dentist visits. Hopefully, the tips and techniques offered on this blog is enough to get you the results that you're after.

Your Questions About Cracked Tooth Syndrome Answered

If your dentist diagnosed you with cracked tooth syndrome today, then you likely have many questions about this common dental condition. To help you on your quest for answers, here are some of the most common questions about cracked tooth syndrome and further information about how it is treated:

What is Cracked Tooth Syndrome?

Cracked tooth syndrome is the term used to describe very small cracks in the enamel of your teeth. While the cracks can be too small to be seen on regular dental x-rays, they will cause you to feel pain when you are eating and drinking. Since multiple teeth are typically involved, the condition is labeled as a syndrome. 

What Causes Cracked Tooth Syndrome?

Cracked tooth syndrome is caused by many different things, including:

  • damage from chewing on hard foods
  • grinding teeth at night during sleep
  • previous dental work

Additionally, your teeth can develop cracks as you age simply from day-to-day usage. Most commonly, cracked teeth are caused by damage from tooth grinding or chewing on hard foods. However, sometimes teeth that have had previous dental work will develop cracks that require further treatment.

How is Cracked Tooth Syndrome Treated?

The treatment for your cracked tooth syndrome will depend on the number of cracked teeth that you have and your overall dental health. Some of the most common treatments for cracked teeth include:

  • dental bonding
  • tooth extraction
  • root canal

Additionally, sometimes the cracked teeth can be covered with porcelain crowns. The cracks are sealed under the crown and this alleviates your pain. If the tooth is not too damaged, then sometimes your dentist can simply paint the tooth with a thin layer of bonding agent instead. For severely damaged teeth, you may need to have them extracted and then replaced at a later date with dental implants. 

How Can You Prevent Problems from Cracked Tooth Syndrome in the Future?

If you would like to prevent future problems from cracked tooth syndrome, then it is vital that you are very vigilant about your dental care. You need to see your dentist at least twice each year for checkups and cleanings. You need to brush and floss your teeth at least twice each day. And, if your teeth are cracking from grinding your teeth while you sleep, then you need to be fitted for, and wear nightly, a mouthguard. The mouthguard will prevent your teeth from grinding together and cracking.

For more information, contact a business such as All About Smiles.