
Keeping Your Teeth White Between Dental Visits

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Keeping Your Teeth White Between Dental Visits

Taking care of your teeth might seem mundane, but without enough attention, those pearly whites of yours can easily turn tinged and stained. Sure, having your teeth cleaned every few months at your dentist's office is a great start to maintaining a beautiful smile, but it isn't enough to keep each tooth pearly white on an ongoing basis. Now, don't get me wrong – you don't have to spend an arm and a leg on professional maintenance in order to get the results you want. You can use a variety of methods at home, like creating your own whitening mouthwash, that can help to keep you teeth white between dentist visits. Hopefully, the tips and techniques offered on this blog is enough to get you the results that you're after.

Understanding Root Canal Procedures

Root canal procedures are frequently used to salvage teeth that would otherwise require extraction. During the procedure, the pulp, or inner layer of the tooth, is extracted. Since the pulp includes the blood vessels that nourish the tooth and the dental nerves that provide sensation to the structure, after the pulp is removed, a tooth is no longer painful. Here is a bit of information about root canal services and what they do.

Why Is a Root Canal Procedure Performed?

Root canal therapy is used to treat teeth that are infected, dead, or irreparably sensitive. During a dental infection, bacteria may enter the pulp of a tooth. This microbial invasion can kill the pulp tissue and inflame the dental nerves. The inflammation may cause extreme dental discomfort. 

Also, a tooth may die due to a blow to the mouth, extensive decay, or a deep crack. After the tooth dies, the pulp must be removed to prevent a serious infection.

Additionally, irreparable sensitivity may result from the misuse of over-the-counter teeth whiteners. Although detailed instructions accompany most consumer whitening products, some consumers may use a whitener more often or longer than directed. The damage to pain-causing nerves may be irreparable, requiring their removal to offer the patient relief.

Is a Root Canal Performed in a Single Day?

A root canal procedure often requires at least two appointments to complete the treatment. During the first visit, a hole is drilled into the tooth, and the pulp is removed. After the pulp is removed, the interior of the tooth is sanitized, and the tooth is filled. 

Additionally, an impression of the mouth is prepared to serve as a guide for the creation of a permanent crown. While the crown is being fashioned in a dental laboratory, a temporary crown is applied to protect the tooth until the next visit. 

During the subsequent visit, the temporary crown is removed, and the permanent appliance is affixed to the treated tooth.

How Long Does a Root Canal Last?

A root canal procedure is a permanent service. Once removed, the nerves and pulp do not grow back. Also, the pulp tissue does not regenerate, and the treated tooth is covered by a protective crown. Thus, the treatment should permanently eliminate a tooth infection.

What Are Some Signs That You May Need a Root Canal Service?

Here are a few indications that your tooth may require a root canal treatment:

  • Dental discoloration
  • Foul breath
  • Throbbing tooth pain
  • An abscess near a tooth
  • Relentless dental sensitivity

To learn more about root canal services, schedule an appointment with a dentist in your local area.